ジョニー・デップ(2020年7月、ロンドン) I T S-Shutterstock




Rap Rap Zoilo(@killerbartender)がシェアした投稿

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Finally #JohnnyDepp has replaced his rotting teeth with new pearly whites.

He instagrammed from a beachside bar in Exuma, Bahamas where's he is holidaying this week.
They're obviously implants & look so much better & he just needs to look after them.

"Brush n floss" pic.twitter.com/EXf2LuiNCW

— Mr Pål Christiansen (@TheNorskaPaul) September 6, 2024


Fans repulsed by #JohnnyDepp's brown, 'rotting' teeth at the #CannesFilmFestival. https://t.co/cNQP2pbvYG pic.twitter.com/6HlWTNmwEs

— Page Six (@PageSix) May 19, 2023


Johnny Depp's new pearly whites shine in video after his "rotting" teeth went viral. pic.twitter.com/QWJUrRdwGf

— Bored Panda (@boredpanda) September 5, 2024

#JohnnyDepp è apparso in alcuni video sul web alle Bahamas e subito i fan hanno notato i suoi denti. Era stato criticato a Cannes 2023 in cui la sua dentatura appariva molto trascurata, ora invece è apparso con denti bianchissimi in netto contrasto con quelli dello scorso anno pic.twitter.com/vWaOBVmA33

— RTL 102.5 (@rtl1025) September 6, 2024
